Vision 1453 Taharah Pillar


Mission statement: To apply Islamic values that reflect the core values of Islamic civilization, contributing to the global discourse of the wider vision towards collectively achieving social equity, ethical, and holistic development.

Pillar of Worship

The Pillar of Worship covers aspects such as the five pillars of Islam.


Analysis of the institutions and infrastructure derived from the pillar of taharah and the vision of the Islamic civilization for this pillar.


Analysis of the institutions and infrastructure derived from the pillar of salah and the vision of the Islamic civilization for this pillar.


Analysis of the institutions and infrastructure derived from the pillar of zakah and the vision of the Islamic civilization for this pillar.


Analysis of the institutions and infrastructure derived from the pillar of sawm and the vision of the Islamic civilization for this pillar.


Analysis of the institutions and infrastructure derived from the pillar of Hajj and the vision of the Islamic civilization for this pillar.

Pillar of Relationships

The Pillar of Relationships covers aspects dealing with relationships between different institutions and individuals.

Trade Relationships

Analysis of the institutions and infrastructure derived from the pillar of trade relationships and the vision of the Islamic civilization for this pillar.

Judicial (Qada) Relationships

Analysis of the institutions and infrastructure derived from the pillar of Judicial (Qada) Relationships and the vision of the Islamic civilization for this pillar.

Family Law

Analysis of the institutions and infrastructure derived from the pillar of family law and the vision of the Islamic civilization for this pillar.

Social Relationships

Analysis of the institutions and infrastructure derived from the pillar of Social Relationships and the vision of the Islamic civilization for this pillar.

Political Relationships

Analysis of the institutions and infrastructure derived from the pillar of Political Relationships and the vision of the Islamic civilization for this pillar.

Pillar of Ethics

The Pillar of Ethics covers aspects dealing with Islamic principles and codes of conduct.

Spiritual Ethics

Analysis of the institutions and infrastructure derived from the pillar of Spiritual Ethics and the vision of the Islamic civilization for this pillar.

Economic Ethics

Analysis of the institutions and infrastructure derived from the pillar of Economic Ethics and the vision of the Islamic civilization for this pillar.

Trade Ethics

Analysis of the institutions and infrastructure derived from the pillar of Trade Ethics and the vision of the Islamic civilization for this pillar.

Family Ethics

Analysis of the institutions and infrastructure derived from the pillar of Family Ethics and the vision of the Islamic civilization for this pillar.

Judicial Ethics

Analysis of the institutions and infrastructure derived from the pillar of Judicial Ethics and the vision of the Islamic civilization for this pillar.

Warfare Ethics

Analysis of the institutions and infrastructure derived from the pillar of Warfare Ethics and the vision of the Islamic civilization for this pillar.